Website Maintenance
Keeping Your Business Website Secure
Hackers and malicious internet bots are constantly bombarding your website trying to steal valuable information. With YellowDog Productions’ Website Security Maintenance Plan, you’ll be assured your site’s core software and plugins stay up to date and protected so you can do what’s important to you.
What We Offer
We offer a website security plan tailored to you. See our offerings below and use our form here for a free security evaluation so we can discuss how meet your website security needs.
Your websites are monitored for hacks, spam, malware, and other infections. We work to prevent any infiltrations and we have tools to immediately remove any bugs and errors. Protection and uptime are a top priority.
You should not have to worry about your site going away or disappearing. We utilize backups and redundancies to give you a piece of mind. No matter what happens to your site we have a carbon copy to rely on.
After your site has launched there are going to be constant feature and security updates. These updates are important to make sure your site stays safe and running. YellowDog will maintain your site and make sure nothing goes outdated.
We will personally routinely check your site for any updates, suspicious activity, and errors. You should never worry about the back-end of your website in our hands. We can give you the piece of mind that your site is up-to-date and visible to all.