YellowDog Productions | Dog Blog 2.0 – Where’s Your Website Taking You?


Dog Blog 2.0 – Where’s Your Website Taking You?

If you read our first blog, you know that we pretty much did something that we recommend to NO client – we took a super long time to update our website.

That leads us to ask, how long should you wait before you need a website update? That is a difficult question to answer, but it can be answered with another question – how much does your business stay the same? If things never change, should your website never change? Not so. The world of internet communications is constantly on the change. Don’t look for this medium to be like television, where the only significant changes in TV were from black and white to color to HD. That covered a period of about 70 years – and that’s a whole lot of time to go without an update!

The web is not going to be stagnant, not for anytime soon. Internet marketing demands websites that optimize best SEO practices. If you want your site to be anywhere (on the first 1 or 2 pages of a Google search engine), you better have a site that is properly optimized and compatible and full of rich content that will make Google stand up and applaud.

Well, we preach this to those that come to us for help in web design. Yes, today it sounds like a bit of a snake oil sales pitch, but it’s not. We see websites that are well underperforming and certainly not doing the job that it could do for the company it represents. We know what we’re talking about here, and we’re not ever trying to force clients into building new websites just so we can get the extra work. If we tell you that we highly recommend your company instates a new website, we genuinely mean it, and we’re here to offer you our sound advice and observations.

If you’re even questioning the functionality of your website, call us for a consultation! We’ll tell you the honest truth. Sometimes it’s not as bad as you think, and sometimes it’s way worse than you ever imagined. Either way, it’s better to know, and we’re the people you need to chat with.

Still not sure if you believe us? There’s one test you can do at home, and it’s really simple. Google yourself! See where you come up. If you’re not anywhere in the top 5 results, then that’s a problem. We’re here to help you move on up the ladder!

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